The Project Vision
Airdrie’s New Multi-Use Facility and Library will be innovative and meet the needs of a dynamic and growing community; it will be a destination for all and contribute to a healthy, connected community.
Downtown revitalization
The new Multi-Use Facility and Library will be a catalytic project that will re-energize Airdrie’s downtown as a central location for residents to gather, connect and learn creating a gateway to Airdrie’s downtown.
Community and connection
The new Multi-Use Facility and Library will be a hub enjoyed by the community and is a destination for all. This will be a place that will serve people of all abilities and demographics where people gather and celebrate, contributing to a healthy and connected community.
The new Multi-Use Facility and Library will draw residents to visit the facility for various reasons and act as a central place for the community to access resources and participate in a wide range of programming.
With ongoing population growth expected to continue in Airdrie over the next decade, the new Multi-Use Facility and Library will allow the City to meet the needs of our growing population by offering new and expanded spaces and services.